Monastery of Santa María de Aciveiro

Mosteiro de Aciveiro / Aceveyrum / Acibeiro

(Forcarei, Pontevedra)

Santa María de Aciveiro
Santa María de Aciveiro

The details of the history of the Monastery of Santa María de Aciveiro are little known due to the loss of its documentation. It is generally accepted that it was founded around the year 1135, during the reign of Alfonso VII (1126-1157), and it is considered likely that this monarch may have been involved in some way.

Santa María de Aciveiro
Santa María de Aciveiro

Fragments of ancient inscriptions have been preserved, but they do not clarify this issue. Nor can the rule followed by the community in its early years be determined with certainty, although it was probably the Benedictine rule. Documentarily, this monastic establishment is mentioned in several papal bulls confirming the assets of the Church of Santiago, the first of which dates back to the year 1154. Later, the monastery was affiliated with the Cistercian order, possibly in 1225, although this date is also uncertain. From the late 12th century onwards, some donations in favor of Aciveiro are recorded.

During the late Middle Ages, the monastery experienced a long period of decline and came under the influence of external figures who intervened in its economic affairs. By the late 15th century, it was governed by commendatory abbots. In 1518, the monastery was integrated into the Cistercian Congregation of Castile, which gave it new vitality. However, in 1649, a fire caused severe damage, including the loss of the library and archives. In the 19th century, the monastery was looted during the Peninsular War and later temporarily exclaustrated during the Liberal Triennium. Finally, in 1835, the exclaustration became permanent. Today, the church, the only medieval structure still standing, serves as a parish church, while the monastery has been adapted into a hotel.

Santa María de Aciveiro
Santa María de Aciveiro
Santa María de Aciveiro
Santa María de Aciveiro
Photo by José Antonio Gil Martínez, on Wkimedia
Santa María de Aciveiro
Santa María de Aciveiro
Photo by Lameiro, on Wkimedia

Affiliation of Aciveiro

According to Originum Cisterciensium (L. Janauschek, 1877)

Abbey of Clairvaux (Aube)

Santa María de Aciveiro (Pontevedra) / 1225

Santa María de Aciveiro
Santa María de Aciveiro
Photo by José Antonio Gil Martínez, on Wkimedia
Santa María de Aciveiro
Santa María de Aciveiro

  • FORTES POUSA, Germán (2013). La iglesia del monasterio de Aciveiro. Estrada, vol, 16
  • FREIRE CAMANIEL, José (1998). El monacato gallego en la alta edad media, vol. II. La Corunya: Fund. Pedro Barrié de la Maza
  • GARCÍA GUINEA, Miguel Ángel; dir. (2012). Enciclopedia del románico en Galicia. Pontevedra. Aguilar de Campoo: Fundación Santa María la Real
  • JANAUSCHEK, Leopoldus (1877). Originum Cisterciensium. Vol. 1. Viena
  • PÉREZ RODRÍGUEZ, Francisco Javier (2008). Mosteiros de Galicia na Idade Media. Ourense: Deputación Provincial de Ourense
  • SÁ BRAVO, Hipólito de (1972). El monacato en Galicia. Vol. 2. La Corunya: Librigal
  • YAÑEZ NEIRA, Damián; coord. (2000). Monasticón cisterciense gallego, vol. 2. Lleó: Edilesa

Vista aèria

Aciveiro belongs to the municipality of Forcarei (Pontevedra), located between the cities of Ourense, Santiago, and Pontevedra.