Canonry of Sant Vicenç de Cardona

Domum Sancti Vicentii / Castle of Cardona / Collegiate of Cardona

(Cardona, Bages)

Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona and castle

The church of the old castle of Cardona is mentioned as early as 980, and at that time it was already the seat of a community of clerics, perhaps very small. In 1019, Viscount Bermon of Osona restored the canonical church and endowed it financially, as well as imposing the Aquisgranese Rule on the community, under the direction of Abbot Guillem. He also began the construction of the new church in 1029, the year of his death.

Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona

This church was consecrated in 1040 by Bishop Eribau of Urgell, at the same time Viscount of Cardona. The House of Cardona itself, protector of the canonry, promoted the foundation of the priory of Sant Jaume de Calaf, where it held possessions. Around 1080-1090, both the Cardona and Calaf (Anoia) establishments adopted the Augustinian Rule. In 1117, an attempt was made to subject this canonry to Saint-Ruf d'Avignon, but it seems that this union did not prosper despite the intervention of Pope Anastasius IV, who issued a bull to this effect in 1154. In the 14th century, the establishment fell into decadence, which resulted in neglect of both the buildings and the members of the community themselves. The canonry continued to exist until it was secularized in 1592.

The collegiate church of Sant Vicenç remained here until 1794, when it was moved to Sant Miquel, while the castle and Sant Vicenç were occupied by a barracks. The church has a basilica floor plan, with three naves and a not very apparent transept. The presbytery is located above a crypt. The church is preceded by an atrium, or galilee. The cloister, dating from after the construction of the church, is partially preserved. Both this church, one of the most brilliant Romanesque buildings in the country, and the rest of the buildings have been restored.

Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Gothic cloister (14th-15th cent.)
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Atrium facade
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sepulchre of Ferran de Cardona († 1543) and his wife
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Scheme of church floor
Sant Vicenç de Cardona Sant Vicenç de Cardona Sant Vicenç de Cardona Sant Vicenç de Cardona Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Engraved by A. de Laborde
(Voyage pittoresque et historique de l'Espagne, 1806)
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Castle of Cardona
Plan du donion du chateau de Cardone (c1721)
Biblioteca Virtual de Defensa
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Cardona and the castle
Plano de la Plaza de Cardona con sus contornos (14th-15th cent.)
Biblioteca Virtual de Defensa
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Cloister of Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Photo by Josep Salvany (1924)
Biblioteca de Catalunya
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Old Postcard, private collection

Dispersed heritage of the canonry and collegiate church of Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Pinacle of the Altarpiece of Saint Vincent
Crucifixion (Pere Vall, 15th century)
Museu Episcopal de Vic
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Pinacle of the Altarpiece of Saint Vincent
Recovery of the body of the saint (Pere Vall, 15th century)
Museu Episcopal de Vic
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Pinacle of the Altarpiece of Saint Vincent
The body of Saint Vincent guarded by the angels (Pere Vall, 15th century)
Museu Episcopal de Vic

Mural paintings from the atrium of the church of Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Unknown author, circa 1200
Now at the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya in Barcelona

Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Murals of the atrium
MNAC, Barcelona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Presentation of Jesus
MNAC, Barcelona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
MNAC, Barcelona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Christ in Majesty
MNAC, Barcelona

Altarpiece compartment possibly from Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Now at the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya in Barcelona
Circle of Ferrer and Arnau Bassa (1347-1360?)

Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
MNAC, Barcelona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Sant Vicenç de Cardona
Panel with the Annunciation, Adoration of the Magi and saints
MNAC, Barcelona

  • BENET, Albert (1984). Sant Vicenç de Cardona. Catalunya romànica. Vol. XI. El Bages. Barcelona: Enciclopèdia Catalana
  • BUTTÀ, Licia (2005). L’art gòtic a Catalunya. Pintura II. Barcelona: Enciclopèdia Catalana
  • CASAS I NADAL, Montserrat (1992). Història de Cardona. Llib. III/1. La canònica de Sant Vicenç de Cardona a l'Edat Mitjana. Cardona: Patronat Municipal de Museus
  • CATALÀ I ROCA, Pere; i altres (1997). Els castells catalans. Vol. V. Barcelona: Rafael Dalmau Ed.
  • CONEJO DA PENA, Antoni (2003). L'art gòtic a Catalunya. Arquitectura II Catedrals, monestirs i altres edificis religiosos 2. Barcelona: Enciclopèdia Catalana
  • GAVÍN, Josep M. (1979). Inventari d'esglésies. Vol. 5. Bages. Barcelona: Arxiu Gavín
  • MARTÍNEZ DE AGUIRRE, Javier (2009). En torno a la arquitectura de las canónicas románicas hispanas no episcopales. Entre el claustro y el mundo. Canónigos regulares y monjes premostratenses en la Edad Media. Aguilar de Campoo: Fund. Santa Maria la Real
  • PAGÈS PARETAS, Montserrat (1994). Les pintures romàniques de l’atri de Sant Vicenç de Cardona: els porxos pintats. Analecta Sacra Tarraconensia, vol. 67/2
  • PUIG I CADAFALCH, Josep, i altres (1911). L'arquitectura romànica a Catalunya. Vol. II. Barcelona: I. E. Catalans
  • VILLANUEVA, Jaime (1821). Viage literario a las iglesias de España. Vol. VIII. Viage a las iglesias de Vique y de Solsona. 1806 y 1807. Valencia: Oliveres
  • YEGUAS I GASSÓ, Joan (2007). L'art gòtic a Catalunya. Escultura II. De la plenitud a les darreres influències foranes. Barcelona: Enciclopèdia Catalana

Vista aèria

The collegiate is located in the castle of Cardona