Convent of Santo Domingo de Soria

Church of Santo Tomé

(Soria, Soria)

Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria

In 1549, work began to establish a Dominican convent in the city and it was not until 1556 that the first community arrived. However, due to the economic problems that arose while the works were being carried out, it was agreed that instead of building a new convent church, the old parish church of Santo Tomé would be ceded to the Dominicans. In 1563, a papal bull authorised this.

Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria

That church of Santo Tomé had been built after the definitive reconquest of the city by Alfonso I the Battler (c. 1119). There is a significant lack of documentation which makes it impossible to determine with certainty the history of the building. It is assumed that there was a first church that was rebuilt during the reign of Alfonso VIII (1158-1214) and that this work was completed in the 13th century. Santo Tomé is first mentioned indirectly in 1148. From 1580 onwards, the Dominicans took possession of the new house and church, which had a dual function, conventual and parish, and at the same time, the old name of Santo Tomé was changed to Santo Domingo.

Important modifications were also made to the structure of the church, in addition to building the conventual quarters, which were initially physically separated from the church and which in 1586 would communicate directly with it. This establishment was active until the time of the exclaustration, when it was abandoned by the Dominican community. After the convent was converted into barracks, in 1853 a community of Poor Clares arrived, who still maintain the monastery of Santa Clara on this site. In 1894 it lost its parish status and was used solely by the Poor Clare monastery. This church is rightly recognised for its façade decorated with a complex iconographic programme and in a relatively well-preserved state. Esther Lozano dates it to around 1170.

Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Offerings of Cain and Abel
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
The first archivolt with the Elders of the Apocalypse
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Expulsion from Paradise

Second archivolt with the Massacre of the Innocents
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Massacre of the Innocents
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Massacre of the Innocents
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Massacre of the Innocents
Bosom of Abraham
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Massacre of the Innocents
The devil advising Herod
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Massacre of the Innocents

Third archivolt with the Childhood of Jesus
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Annunciation and Visitation
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Bath of Jesus
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Adoration of the shepherds
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Annunciation to the shepherds
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Hand of God (Dextera Domini)
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Notice to Herod
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Adoration of the Magi
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Dream of the Magi
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Presentation in the Temple
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Flight to Egypt

Fourth archivolt with the Passion
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Tree and apostles in the Garden of Olives
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Peter cuts off the soldier's ear
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Kiss of Judas and arrest
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Burial and tomb
Santo Domingo de Sòria
Santo Domingo de Soria
The Holy Women and Communication to the Apostles
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Noli me tangere

Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Rose window
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria
Santo Domingo de Soria

  • LOPERRAEZ, Juan (1788). Descripcion histórica del Obispado de Osma. Madrid: Imp. Real
  • LOZANO LÓPEZ, Esther (2007). La portada de Santo Domingo de Soria. Estudio formal e iconográfico. Tesi. Universitat Rovira i Virgili
  • PALOMERO, Félix (1991). Santo Domingo de Soria. Arte y artistas, las relaciones con el arte románico soriano, burgalés y silense. Liño, núm. 10
  • RABAL, Nicolás (1889). España, sus monumentos y artes, su naturaleza e historia. Soria. Barcelona: Cortezo
  • RODRÍGUEZ MONTAÑÉS, José Manuel (2002). Enciclopedia del Románico en Castilla y León. Soria III. Aguilar de Campoo: Fundación Santa María la Real

Vista aèria

In the centre of the city of Soria