Monastery of Santa María de Oseira

Mosteiro de Santa María de Oseira / S Marie de Ursaria

(San Cristovo de Cea, Ourense)

Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira

The monastery of Santa María de Oseira originated from a Benedictine community established in this location. In 1137, the community acquired ownership of the land thanks to a donation made by Alfonso VII. Later, the community joined the Cistercian order. Cistercian chronicles place this incorporation in 1141, although this date is debated, and it is believed the event may have occurred in the mid or late 12th century. In fact, the monastery is not explicitly mentioned as Cistercian until 1199.

Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira

Oseira quickly became an important monastic center with strong ties to other Galician monasteries. It participated in the restoration of the monastery of Santa Maria de Alcobaça (Leiria), and in 1223, Abbot Lourenzo of Oseira was elected Abbot of Clairvaux. However, from the 14th century onwards, the monastery entered a period of decline, with a significantly reduced community. Additionally, from 1513, it was managed by commendatory abbots. In 1522, a fire destroyed all the buildings except for the church. After considering relocating the monastery to another site, it was decided to rebuild it.

In 1545, the monastery joined the Cistercian Congregation of Castile, which gave it new momentum and enabled expansion and improvement works between the 16th and 18th centuries. During the 19th century, the monastery faced various hardships. Due to its isolation, it avoided the direct effects of the Peninsular War, but it was temporarily suppressed between 1820 and 1823, and definitively in 1835. The monastic community was restored in 1929 when the site was almost entirely looted and in ruins. That year, a new community from France resumed monastic life, which continues to this day. Since 1977, the monastery has once again held the title of abbey.

Santa María de Oseira
Santes Creus
Church towers and monastery facade
Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira
Facade of the church, 17th century

The monastery still preserves its medieval church, a three-nave structure with a transept. The narrower side naves extend into the ambulatory surrounding the chancel. The façade was rebuilt in the 17th century. The remaining buildings, reconstructed after the 1522 fire, are arranged around three cloisters, with the chapter house, dating from the 15th and 16th centuries, being particularly noteworthy.

Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira
Virgin Mary on the facade
Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira

Affiliation of Oseira

According to Originum Cisterciensium (L. Janauschek, 1877)

Abbey of Clairvaux (Aube)

Santa María de Oseira (Ourense) / 1141

Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira
Nursing Madonna, 13th century
Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira
Altars at the entrance to the ambulatory
Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira
Chapter house
Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira
Chapter house
Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira
Chapter house
Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira
Cloister of Medallones
Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira
Cloister of Pináculos
Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira
Staircase vault
Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira
Fountain from the monastery
Now in the city of Ourense
Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira
Emblem of the monastery
Santa María de Oseira
Santa María de Oseira
Emblem of the monastery
Fundación, antiguedad, y progressos ... de Nuestra Señora de Ossera

  • FREIRE CAMANIEL, José (1998). El monacato gallego en la alta edad media, vol. II. La Corunya: Fund. Pedro Barrié de la Maza
  • JANAUSCHEK, Leopoldus (1877). Originum Cisterciensium. Vol. 1. Viena
  • PERALTA, Tomás de (1677). Fundación, antiguedad, y progressos del imperial monasterio de Nuestra Señora de Ossera, de la Orden de Cister. Madrid: M. Alvarez
  • PÉREZ GONZÁLEZ, José María; dir. (2015). Enciclopedia del románico en Galicia. Ourense. Aguilar de Campoo: Fundación Santa María la Real
  • PÉREZ RODRÍGUEZ, Francisco Javier (2008). Mosteiros de Galicia na Idade Media. Ourense: Deputación Provincial de Ourense
  • SÁ BRAVO, Hipólito de (1972). El monacato en Galicia. Vol. 2. La Corunya: Librigal
  • VALLE PÉREZ, José Carlos (1982). La arquitectura cisterciense en Galicia. La Corunya: Fundación Pedro Barrié de la Maza, 1982
  • YÁÑEZ NEIRA, Damián (1983). El monasterio de Osera. Lleó: Everest
  • YAÑEZ NEIRA, Damián; coord. (2000). Monasticón cisterciense gallego, vol. 1. Lleó: Edilesa

Vista aèria

The monastery is located in the municipality of San Cristovo de Cea, north of Ourense, in a remote area far from major communication routes