Priory of Saint-Donat-le-Bas

Prieuré de Saint Donat / Saint-Donat de Montfort / S Donati

(Montfort, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence)


The church of Saint-Donat-le-Bas is part of a group of partially preserved religious structures, built on the site where tradition places the hermitage where Saint Donatus of Orleans retired and died in 522. This church stands on a hill at the site of Saint Donatus' first settlement, which was later moved to a more distant location, where the remains of Saint-Donat-le-Haut can be found.


In this location, a place of worship dedicated to the titular saint was established, and later, a monastery. In 1018, the donation of this site, made by Counts William II and Gerberga of Provence, to the abbey of Saint-André de Villeneuve-lès-Avignon (Gard) was documented. In 1118, a bull from Pope Gelasius II confirmed the possession of Saint-Donat (Haut and Bas) by Saint-André. In the mid-14th century, the priory came under the control of the abbey of Ganagobie until 1787, at which point it passed into private hands due to the Revolution. The church of Saint-Donat-le-Bas has been restored; it is a notable 11th-century building, with three naves and a transept with three apses. Nearby, there are remains of a second, smaller chapel and, to the west, those of Saint-Donat-le-Haut.

Notre-Dame de Lure
Saint Donatus, hermit
Engraving by Jacques Callot (1636)
Bibliothèque nationale de France

  • ANDRIEU, Abbé (1883). Note sur l'ancien monastère de Saint-Donat. Annales des Basses-Alpes. Núm 11
  • ANDRIEU, Abbé (1892). Les fouilles de Saint-Donat (Montfort). Annales des Basses-Alpes, vol. 5
  • BARRUOL, Guy (1977). La Provence romane 2. Zodiaque. La nuit des temps
  • FIXOT, Rémy, i altres (2001). L’église Saint-Donat-le-Bas à Monfort, nouvelles recherches. L’abbaye Saint-André de Villeneuve-lès-Avignon: histoire, archéologie, rayonnement. Les cahiers de Salagon. Mane: Les Alpes de Lumière
  • GUÉRIN, Paul (1888). Les Petits Bollandistes. Vies des saints. Vol. 10. París: Bloud et Barral
  • THIRION, Jacques (1965). Au début de l'architecture romane en Provence. L'ancienne église de Saint-Donat (Basses-Alpes). Bulletin Monumental, vol. 123

Vista aèria

The chapel of Saint-Donat-le-Bas belongs to Montfort. South of Sisteron