Convent of Sant Antoni Abat de Valls

Hospital of Sant Antoni Abat in Valls

(Valls, Alt Camp)

Sant Antoni de Valls
Sant Antoni de Valls
Coat of arms of the Antonines

As was common in this order, the convent and hospital of Sant Antoni Abat was located near a gate in the town wall, also named Sant Antoni, which closed off the northern part of the town at the start of the road to Montblanc.

Sant Antoni de Valls
Sant Antoni de Valls

The exact date of its foundation is unknown, but it was already in operation by 1297. It is recorded that in 1421, the building was in danger of collapse, and the commander, Jacme Porta, was urged to carry out the necessary restoration work. In 1723, due to the dilapidated state of the buildings, the Antonine order requested the relocation of the convent. The first stone of the new intramural establishment was laid in 1735, and it was consecrated in 1753. The order remained there until its dissolution in 1787. From that point on, its assets were transferred to the Hospital of Sant Roc, while the church became a parish, a function it still serves today. The annexed convent has not been preserved.

Sant Antoni de Valls
Sant Antoni de Valls
Sant Antoni de Valls
Sant Antoni de Valls

  • COMELLES, Josep M. i altres (1991). L'Hospital de Valls. Assaig sobre l'estructura i les transformacions... Valls: Estudis Vallencs
  • GAVÍN, Josep M. (1980). Inventari d'esglésies. Vol. 6. Barcelona: Artestudi
  • PUIGJANER Y GUAL, Francisco (1881). Historia de la Villa de Valls desde su fundación hasta nuestros días. Valls: Imp. Francisco Pellisser
  • SECALL I GÜELL, Gabriel (1980). La medicina i els antics hospitals de Valls. Valls: Jove Cambra

Vista aèria

The current parish church is located on Carrer de Sant Antoni Abat in Valls