Commandery of Vallmoll

Les Cases de Vallmoll / L’Hospitalet / Mare de Déu de la Llet / Vallis Mollis

(Puigpelat, Alt Camp)

Commandery of Vallmoll
Commandery of Vallmoll
The sanctuary drawn shortly before its destruction

During the second half of the 12th century, the Hospitallers received the properties of Puigpelat and L’Hospitalet as a donation, located in the present-day municipality of Puigpelat, where the order established a commandery. The first indirect reference to the existence of the Hospitaller house in Vallmoll dates back to 1184, while the first explicit document mentioning the name of the commander, Pere de Cirera, is dated 1205.

Commandery of Vallmoll
Commandery of Vallmoll
Chapel in the place where the command and sanctuary was

At L’Hospitalet, a chapel and the commandery house were built, both of modest dimensions. Meanwhile, the village and fortress of Puigpelat developed, equipped with its own defenses and intended as a refuge in times of need. The Hospitaller lands were within the domain of the barony of Vallmoll, leading to a legally ambiguous situation that sparked a long series of conflicts and disputes between the two institutions over lordship and jurisdictional rights. Beyond minor clashes between the commanders of Puigpelat and the bailiffs of Vallmoll, there were also serious and violent incidents. In 1298, the militia of the Baron of Vallmoll raided Puigpelat, imprisoning several villagers, a situation that recurred multiple times. These tensions persisted until the 18th century, when criminal jurisdiction was transferred to the Crown.

At the beginning of the 15th century, the economic situation of the commandery was extremely precarious. A widespread crisis led to the decline of many Hospitaller houses, necessitating their reorganization. The commandery of Vallmoll was merged with the preceptory of Selma, and it seat were relocated to that site, adopting the name Commandery of Selma and Vallmoll. However, this measure proved ineffective, and the economic situation did not improve. By the early 16th century, the buildings were in a state of ruin, and the fields had been abandoned. Despite this, the Hospitallers maintained the chapel of L’Hospitalet, which was placed under the care of a hermit. Devotion to Mare de Déu de la Llet (Nursing Madonna) continued, and the sanctuary remained at L’Hospitalet until 1920, when it was completely demolished. Today, a small roadside chapel commemorates the site.

Commandery of Vallmoll
Commandery of Vallmoll
Nursing Madonna, formerly venerated in the sanctuary
Commandery of Vallmoll
Commandery of Vallmoll
Contract in which Mateu Ferrer,
commander of Selma and Vallmoll, intervened (1541)
Biblioteca de Catalunya
Commandery of Vallmoll
Header of a goigs of the Virgin of the Milk
Formerly venerated in the sanctuary of L'Hospitalet
Commandery of Vallmoll
Commandery of Vallmoll
Portal of the town of Puigpelat, within the domain of the Hospitallers

Related site:

Commandery of Vallmoll
Vallmoll Castle
Seat of the barony of Vallmoll

  • CANELA GRÀCIA, Joan (2010). Història de Puigpelat. Puigpelat: Ajuntament de Puigpelat
  • CATALÀ I ROCA, Pere; BRASÓ, Miquel (1992). Castell de Vallmoll i comanda hospitalera. Els castells catalans. Vol. III. Barcelona: R. Dalmau
  • FIGUERAS FONTANALS, Lluís M. (1985). El senyoriu de Celma (Una aproximació històrica). Valls: I. E. Vallencs
  • FIGUERAS FONTANALS, Lluís M. (1992). El senyoriu de Celma (Esquema organitzatiu, I i II). Valls: I. E. Vallencs
  • FUGUET SANS, Joan (1997). Templers i hospitalers. Vol. I. Barcelona: Rafael Dalmau Ed.
  • FUGUET SANS, Joan (1999). La comanda hospitalera de l’Hospitalet de Vallmoll (Puigpelat). Quaderns de Vilaniu, Núm. 35
  • GAVALDÀ I TORRENTS, Antoni (1983). El llibre de Vallmoll. Valls: I. E. Vallencs
  • MIRET I SANS, Joaquim (1910 - r. 2006). Les cases de templers i hospitalers a Catalunya. Lleida: Pagès Ed.


The commandery was located on the same site where the Sanctuary of Mare de Déu de la Llet, or of L’Hospitalet, was later built, now also disappeared. This site is located southwest of Puigpelat.