Commandery of Rourell

El Raurell / Bellestar

(La Masó, Alt Camp)

Comanda del Rourell
Commandery of Rourell
La Masó, where the seat of the commandery is supposed to have been established

This Templar house originated in the estate—or rather, the territory—of Bellestar, which Berenguer de Munells (or Molnells) donated to the Order of the Temple in 1160 upon his admission to the institution. The Templars progressively expanded the initial donation, so that by 1181, the area was already considered an organized commandery, linked to the commandery of Barberà.

Molí de la Selva
La Selva mill on the banks of the Francolí

The name Bellestar was gradually replaced by Rourell. In 1187, Berenguer de Talladell is mentioned as the house’s preceptor. Its headquarters (the house or “mesó”) has been identified as being in the present-day village of La Masó rather than in Rourell, which lies further south. Interestingly, between 1198 and 1204, the Rourell commandery had a mixed character, with a female presence, an unusual phenomenon in the Order of the Temple. In fact, Ermengarda d’Oluja is recorded as “preceptor”. However, this female preceptory was short-lived, and in 1248, the Templars sold the house and its properties to Pere de Bordell. Because of this, the commandery did not continue and was never transferred to the Order of the Hospital, which has led to debates, even regarding its exact location. To the east of La Masó is is La Selva mill, believed to have Templar origins. It is also thought that the origins of the current sanctuary of Paretdelgada may be linked to this house.

  • CATALÀ I ROCA, Pere (1992). Els castells catalans. Vol. I. Barcelona: Rafael Dalmau Editor
  • FUGUET SANS, Joan (1997). Templers i hospitalers. Vol. I. Barcelona: Rafael Dalmau Editor
  • MIRET I SANS, Joaquim (1910, reed. 2006). Les cases de templers y hospitalers a Catalunya. Lleida: Pagès Ed.
  • PLAZA ARQUÉ, Carme (1989). La Masó, un topònim de luxe. Antroponímia, toponímia i bibliografia. Núm. 37
  • SANS I TRAVÉ, Josep Maria (1977). El Rourell, una preceptoria del Temple al Camp de Tarragona (1162?-1248). Boletín Arqueológico. Núm. 133-140. Tarragona

Vista aèria

The village of La Masó is located south of Valls