The Minims settled in Valls in 1581, temporarily occupying the hermitage of Santa Magdalena, which they adapted for their use. The following year, in 1582, they began constructing a new convent and church, to which they moved in 1595. During the construction period (1590–1595), the community also occupied several private houses and the chapel of Santa Tecla, located in the castle. The friars were temporarily exclaustrated during the Liberal Triennium (1821-1823) and permanently in 1835. The present church, in Baroque style, dates from the 18th century. Since the exclaustration, the complex has had various uses, serving as a school and hospital.
- BARRAQUER Y ROVIRALTA, Cayetano (1906). Las casas de religiosos en Cataluña durante el primer tercio del siglo XIX. Vol. 2. Barcelona: Imp. Fco. J. Altés
- GAVÍN, Josep M. (1980). Inventari d'esglésies. Vol. 6. Barcelona: Artestudi
- LLOBET I PORTELLA, Josep M. (2003). Notícia del retaule del beat Gaspar de Bono de l'església de Sant Francesc de Paula, de Valls (c. 1790). Quaderns de Vilaniu, 44
- PUIGJANER Y GUAL, Francisco (1881). Historia de la Villa de Valls desde su fundación hasta nuestros días. Valls: Imp. Francisco Pellisser