Monastery of Santa María de Villamayor
Monasterio de Santa María de Villamayor / Villa Maiore
(Piloña, Asturias)
The origin of this monastery is likely a private foundation, promoted by members of a noble lineage, possibly the Álvarez family. The exact date of its establishment is unknown, but it was probably founded in the 12th century, based on the characteristics of the remaining architectural features. There is no documentary evidence of this house until 1231, by which time it already had a consolidated female community.
It was a modest monastery, but it likely had some influence in the surrounding area. At the end of the 14th century, the Bishop of Oviedo reorganized the monastic houses, and the community of Villamayor, which likely faced issues related to observance, was united with that of San Bartolomé de la Nava, relocating to the latter site. The monastery of Villamayor was handed over to the Cistercians of Santa María de Valdediós. Nevertheless, in 1402 the nuns were able to return to their original location, and towards the middle of that century, the declining female monastery of Soto de Dueñas was annexed to it.
The contribution of new assets gave the monastery a certain boost. Meanwhile, efforts were made by the Congregation of Valladolid to merge this monastery with that of San Pelayo in Oviedo, which materialized in 1530. This decision was opposed by the community of Villamayor, who unsuccessfully appealed it. The monastery of Villamayor was then turned into a priory of San Pelayo, which managed its revenues and properties. The monastery had two churches: Santa María, of a conventual nature, and San Pedro, a parish church. The latter was lost with the construction of a new church, while Santa María began to fall into ruin. Today, only part of this church remains, consisting of the Romanesque apse and doorway.
- AMADOR DE LOS RÍOS, José (1877). Monumentos arquitectónicos de España. Madrid: T. Fontanet
- GARCÍA ÁLVAREZ-BUSTO, Alejandro; ed. (2020). Asturias monástica. Catálogo de monasterios y revisión histórica arqueológica (siglos XI-XIX). Vol. 1. Anejos de Nailos n.º 7. Ovedo: KRK Ed.
- GARCÍA GUINEA, Miguel Ángel; dir. (2006). Enciclopedia del Románico en Asturias. Aguilar de Campoo. Fundación Santa María la Real
- MARTÍNEZ VEGA, Andrés (1997). Santa María de Villamayor y San Martín de Soto. Los monasterios medievales del Valle del Piloña. Ayuntamiento de Piloña
- MARTÍNEZ VEGA, Andrés (1996). Pergaminos referentes al monasterio de Santa María de Villamayor. Boletin del Real Instituto de Estudios Asturianos, núm. 148
- MARTÍNEZ VEGA, Andrés (2011). Monasterios medievales de Asturias. Oviedo: Cajastur, 2011
- QUADRADO, José María (1855). Recuerdos y bellezas de España. Asturias y León. Madrid: Repullés