Monastery of San Pedro de Cervatos

Canonry of Cervatos / Collegiate of Cervatos

(Campoo de Enmedio, Cantabria)

Collegiate of Cervatos
Collegiate of Cervatos

The monastery and collegiate church of San Pedro de Cervatos is located on an important communication route that, since ancient times, connected the Cantabrian coast with the Meseta. The current church has its origins in a monastery about which little is known, but it is believed to have been founded between the 8th and 9th centuries, during the time when the Asturian monarchy took charge of repopulating this territory.

Collegiate of Cervatos
Collegiate of Cervatos

The first documented reference to this house is the granting of a legal normative (fuero) by Sancho García, Count of Castile, in the year 999. Later, the monastery of Cervatos received donations, privileges, and confirmations of the aforementioned fuero, making it a very influential religious and power center. During the 12th century, the current church was built, and in 1186, the monarchy, which had been the owner and benefactor of the house until that time, handed it over to the diocese of Burgos. In fact, it was an exchange with Santa Eufemia de Cozuelos (Palencia).

This event may indicate that the monastery was transformed into a canonry. In this regard, there are no clear records about the type of monastery it was; perhaps it had already been a canonry from the beginning, but from 1186 onwards, the chapter of canons of San Pedro de Cervatos is frequently mentioned.

Collegiate of Cervatos
Collegiate of Cervatos
Collegiate of Cervatos
Collegiate of Cervatos
Church portal

A Romanesque church from the 12th century is still preserved, with a single nave, although it has been modified over time, with structures added to the north side. It has a notable Romanesque portal, located in a more advanced position than the facade, with its own eave supported by modillions. The portal has three columns on each side, a tympanum, and archivolts, all with profuse decoration. The modillions on the eaves of the portal and those on the church itself feature abundant and varied sculptural decoration.

Collegiate of Cervatos
Collegiate of Cervatos
Church portal
Collegiate of Cervatos
Collegiate of Cervatos
Church portal
Collegiate of Cervatos
Collegiate of Cervatos
Church portal
Collegiate of Cervatos
Collegiate of Cervatos
Church portal
Collegiate of Cervatos
Collegiate of Cervatos
Church portal
Collegiate of Cervatos
Collegiate of Cervatos
Church portal
Collegiate of Cervatos
Collegiate of Cervatos
Modillions of the church portal
Collegiate of Cervatos
Collegiate of Cervatos
Modillions of the church portal
Collegiate of Cervatos
Collegiate of Cervatos
Modillions of the church portal
Collegiate of Cervatos
Collegiate of Cervatos
Collegiate of Cervatos
Collegiate of Cervatos
Collegiate of Cervatos
Collegiate of Cervatos
Collegiate of Cervatos
Collegiate of Cervatos
Collegiate of Cervatos
Collegiate of Cervatos
Photo by Emilio Gómez Fern'ndez, at Wikimedia
Collegiate of Cervatos
Collegiate of Cervatos
Photo by Julio García de la Puente
Published in Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Excursiones (1905)

  • AMADOR DE LOS RÍOS, Rodrigo (1891) . España, sus monumentos y artes. Vol. 22. Santander. Barcelona: Arte y Letras
  • ASSAS, Manuel de (1857). Colegiata de Cervatos. Semanario Pintoresco Español
  • EÁLO DE SÁ, María (1978). El románico de Cantabria en sus cinco colegiatas. Santander: Diputación de Santander
  • FERNÁNDEZ CASANOVA, Adolfo (1905). Monumentos románicos en el valle de Campoo de Enmedio. Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Excursiones, núm. 151. Madrid
  • GARCÍA GUINEA, Miguel Ángel; dir. (2007). Enciclopedia del Románico en Cantabria. Aguilar de Campoo: Fundación Santa María la Real

Vista aèria

Cervatos is south of Reinosa