The history of the monastery of San Salvador de Cins is marked by numerous gaps and uncertainties due to the scarce documentation available and the probable falsity of some preserved parchments. It is believed to have been founded around the year 909 by Counts Alvito and Paterna. It was a double house, housing both monks and nuns, and had a private character. The foundation was confirmed and endowed anew by Argilo, daughter of the founders, and her husband Aloito in the year 915.
The community retained its double character until 1108, when, through the intervention of Pope Paschal II, the female community was lost, not without opposition. It is believed that it was at this point that the Rule of Saint Benedict was adopted. There is evidence that in 994 King Bermudo II and his wife Elvira made a donation to the monastery. The house endured a long period of decline and lost its manorial power with the rise of the town of Betanzos during the 14th and 15th centuries. Finally, it was dissolved as a monastery in 1517, and its assets were annexed to the monastery of San Martiño Pinario. Today, the church remains and functions as a parish, now dedicated to Saint Nicholas.
The church of the former monastery is a basilica-shaped building with three naves ending in three polygonal apses. It has no transept. It is a structure dated to the second half of the 14th century, built to replace an earlier church. Although it belongs to the Gothic period, it still retains features of Romanesque tradition. The western portal, with a slightly pointed arch, features a tympanum depicting Christ between Saints Benedict and Bernard. On the north side, there is a second portal, similar but more elaborate, with a tympanum depicting the Epiphany.
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