Monastery of San Martiño Pinario

Pinarium / Pignario

(Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña)

San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario

The Monastery of San Martiño Pinario was founded by the Bishop of Iria, Sisnando I (889–920), and is one of the establishments created around the tomb of St. James, along with the church built during the reign of Alfonso II and the Benedictine monastery of San Paio de Antealtares. In 912, Ordoño II donated some lands to the monastery and confirmed its possession of the Church of Santa María de la Corticela, located near the tomb of the Apostle. This is the earliest documented reference to this house.

San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
Church facade

After Santiago was devastated by Al-Mansur’s raid in 997, a new monastery was built outside the city walls, on the site it still occupies today, to the north of the cathedral. Around 1077, the house adopted the Rule of St. Benedict, and in 1112 the new church, which had been under construction since 1050, was consecrated. In 1115, Bishop Gelmírez granted it a privilege confirming its possessions, which included several modest monasteries, and added new ones. San Martiño Pinario maintained its activities relatively independent of the episcopal seat and the pilgrim traffic, which shielded it from the pressures that affected the Antealtares monastery.

At the end of the 15th century, with the arrival of the Observant reform, this house was designated to host three Benedictine communities in Santiago: San Paio de Antealtares, San Pedro de Fóra, and San Martiño Pinario itself, which combined their assets. The changes generated opposition from the affected houses, due both to the stricter observance of the rule and the loss of power resulting from the new connection with San Benito de Valladolid. These changes were definitively formalized in 1494.

San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
Church facade
San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario

In addition, San Martiño Pinario incorporated many other monasteries into its patrimony, including San Salvador de Cins, San Martiño de Ozón, San Martiño de Xubia, Santa María de Mezonzo, San Xulián de Moraime, San Pedro de Soandres, San Salvador de Bergondo and Santa María de Cambre, among others. This new situation ushered in a period of prosperity, with a very large community that enabled the complete reconstruction of the monastery (16th-18th centuries), resulting in the grand complex that still stands today. The monastery remained active until 1835, after which its facilities were repurposed for various uses.

San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
Main altarpiece (18th century)
San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
Main altarpiece (18th century)
San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
Side door of the altarpiece
San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
Vault of the choir
San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
Altarpiece of Saint Benedict (1742)
San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
Chapel of Socorro
San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
Capital of the ancient cloister

The Choir of the Santiago Cathedral
San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
Choir of the cathedral
Now in San Martiño Pinario

The Archbishop of Santiago, Juan de Sanclemente, decided to replace the medieval stone choir of Santiago Cathedral with a new one. In 1599, a contract was signed with Juan Dávila and Gregorio Español for its construction, which would extend into the first decade of the 17th century. This singular work remained in its original location until 1940, when it was decided to move it to San Martiño Pinario, an operation that caused its partial deterioration due to changes in its structure and dimensions as well as conservation issues.

This move was a first step toward a second relocation, to Sobrado dos Monxes, where the work was once again dismantled and suffered further damage. Later, this situation was reconsidered, and it was decided to return the work to San Martiño Pinario, where it could be displayed, not in its original conditions, but with improved preservation. The new relocation and restoration were inaugurated in 2004.

San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
Choir of the cathedral
Now in San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
Choir of the cathedral
Now in San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
Choir of the cathedral
Now in San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
San Martiño Pinario
Choir of the cathedral
Now in San Martiño Pinario

  • BARREIRO, José Ramón (1966). Incorporación del monasterio benedictino de san Martín Pinario de Santiago a la reforma de Valladolid. Compostellanum, vol. 11/2
  • FERNÁNDEZ CASTIÑEIRAS, Enrique; i altres; dir. (2007). Arte Benedictino en los caminos de Santiago. Opus Monasticorum II. Xunta de Galicia
  • FREIRE CAMANIEL, José (1998). El monacato gallego en la alta edad media, vol. II. La Corunya: Fund. Pedro Barrié de la Maza
  • FREIRE NAVAL, Ana B. (2000). San Martín Pinario. Xunta de Galicia
  • LÓPEZ CALDERÓN, Marica (2010). El monasterio de San Martín Pinario, escuela para la escultura compostelana de los siglos XVII y XVIII. De arte, núm. 9
  • LÓPEZ FERREIRO, Antonio (1899). Historia de la Santa A. M. Iglesia de Santiago de Compostela. Santiago: Seminario Conciliar
  • PÉREZ RODRÍGUEZ, Francisco Javier (2008). Mosteiros de Galicia na Idade Media. Ourense: Deputación Provincial de Ourense
  • SÁ BRAVO, Hipólito de (1972). El monacato en Galicia. Vol. 1. La Corunya: Librigal
  • SEIJAS MONTERO, María (2012). Los prioratos de San Martín Pinario en el sudoeste gallego: dominio territorial y situación económica a fines del Antiguo Régimen. OHM, núm. 20
  • VICENTE LÓPEZ, Simón (2016). Mateo López y la planta de la iglesia monástica de San Martín Pinario de Santiago. Archivo Español De Arte, núm. 89
  • ZARAGOZA PASCUAL, Ernesto (1994). Abadologio del monasterio de san Martín Pinario. Compostellanum, vol. 39/1-2

Vista aèria

The monastery of San Martiño Pinario is located near the cathedral of Santiago, on its north side