The first historical reference to this Benedictine monastery is found in a donation made in its favor in 1126, when it is believed to have been recently founded. In its early years, it benefited from donations and privileges granted by the monarchy: in 1138 by Alfonso VII, in 1218 by Alfonso IX, and in 1256 by Alfonso X, who placed it under his protection.
It is likely that, during the first half of the 14th century, the monastery suffered a fire which, among other damages, led to the loss of its archive, making it difficult to trace its history. The Andrade family, lords of Betanzos, oversaw its reconstruction. In 1509, the monastery underwent a reform process that placed it under the authority of the monastery of San Martiño Pinario (A Coruña), as a priory. It remained active until the secularization, supported by a modest community dedicated to managing its properties. During the Peninsular War, it suffered an occupation. Today, the medieval church is preserved, although modified. It is a building with three naves and three apses.
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