Although it is believed to have a Visigothic origin and that it is related with an eremitic community that may have occupied this site, the first document mentioning the monastery of San Vicenzo de Pombeiro dates back to the reign of King Sancho Ordóñez of Galicia (c. 898–929), in a delimitation of its territory. Later, it is mentioned in donations made in its favor in 935 and 964.
In 1108, Urraca (1081–1126), widow of Raymond of Burgundy and then Countess of Galicia, granted it to the monastery of Cluny, making it a priory of this Benedictine branch. It was a monastery of relative importance within the congregation, but by the late 14th century, it was in decline, both materially and due to a relaxation of monastic discipline, particularly during the priorate of Diego Fernández. Despite its affiliation with Cluny, like other Benedictine houses, the monastery was reformed at the end of the 15th century and placed under the dependency of Santo Estevo de Ribas de Sil, at least since 1508, a situation confirmed by the Pope in 1526. Of this monastery, the Romanesque church with three naves and three apses is preserved; next to it stands the priory house, dating from the 18th century.
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- SUÁREZ-FERRÍN, Alicia Paz (2002). Las pinturas murales de San Vicente de Pombeiro (Lugo). Boletín do Museo Provincial de Lugo, núm. 10
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