The origins of the Monastery of San Miguel de Bóveda are unclear and surrounded by documentary confusion. A document dated to the year 968 has occasionally been considered foundational, but its reliability is questionable. Later, in 1121, Queen Urraca I and her son Alfonso VII of León donated the site to a man named Oduario Ordóñez, though this document also lacks unanimous acceptance. The first reliable documentary evidence is a donation made in favor of the monastery in 1173.
In the mid-15th century, the Cistercian monastery of San Clodio de Ribeiro (located in Leiro, Ourense) attempted to annex San Miguel de Bóveda. In 1451, Pope Nicholas V even issued a ruling in support of the annexation. However, the Bishop of Ourense temporarily halted the process by approving the appointment of a new abbess in 1452. Eventually, after the abbess’s death and before a successor could be appointed, the Abbot of San Clodio forcibly took over the monastery in 1477, integrating it into his domain and putting an end to the female community. In 1482, Pope Sixtus IV resolved the dispute by definitively confirming the annexation of the monastery to San Clodio, which henceforth became a priory or grange of the Cistercian monastery. The church, now privately owned, has been heavily modified over the centuries. However, it retained its medieval apse until the 20th century.
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- LUCAS ÁLVAREZ, Manuel (1995). El patrimonio del monasterio de San Miguel de Bóveda anexo al San Clodio do Ribeiro da Avia. Compostellanum, núm. 40.3
- PÉREZ GONZÁLEZ, José María; dir. (2015). Enciclopedia del románico en Galicia. Ourense. Aguilar de Campoo: Fundación Santa María la Real
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- POUSA DIÉGUEZ, Rodrigo (2022). San Miguel de Bóveda. Monasterio, señorío y vasallos en la Edad Moderna. Diputación de Ourense