Canonry of Santa Maria de la Seu d'Urgell

Urgell Cathedral / S Marie Sedem Hurgellemsen / Sedis Urgellensis / Orgellia / Catedral de la Seu d'Urgell

(la Seu d'Urgell, Alt Urgell)

Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral

The bishopric of Urgell is of very ancient origin; there is evidence of its existence at least since the 6th century, when Bishop Just attended a council in Toledo in 531. The episcopal centre of Urgell was initially located in Castellciutat but was later moved to the present site. The reasons for the relocation are not very clear but two factors probably played a role, one would be the Islamic occupation of the territory, with the death of bishop Nambad (around 731) which would end with the destruction of the episcopal see in 793 by a raid, and the other would be the question of bishop Fèlix.

Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
West Façade

Despite the Saracen presence in the territory, the life of the bishopric continued to develop, with gaps, and the setback due to the affair of Bishop Fèlix (786-799), who defended the adoptionist doctrine condemned by the Church as heresy. Fèlix confronted the Carolingian power and was eventually deposed and exiled. The next known bishop was Possedoni (814-823). Bishop Sisebut (833-840) consecrated a new cathedral on the present site. At this time, he received from Louis the Pious and Count Sunifred several possessions in a large territory, which allowed the consolidation of episcopal power until it became the centre of an extensive feudal patrimony, with recognised authority over the region, which was gradually extended with the recovery of new territories occupied by the Saracens to the south.

At the same time, the development of an Aachen canon community was promoted, although the community may have originated in the Visigothic period. The Council of Aachen took place in 817, where the adoption of a common rule for these communities within the Carolingian dominions was obligatory, and the canonry of Urgell had probably already adopted it by 826. The canonry had considerable power, overseeing the election of the bishop, at the head of a very powerful institution.

The canonical community must have gone through a period of decline, until it was restored by Bishop Ermengol in 1010, and at the end of that century it adopted the Rule of Saint Augustine. One of the most renowned figures of this diocese was precisely Saint Ermengol (bishop between 1010 and 1035), son of the Viscounts of Conflent; in addition to restoring the canonical church, he promoted the construction of a new cathedral (consecrated in 1040) and the adjoining church of Saint Michael. He reorganised the bishopric administratively and collected the papal bulls recognising seignorial rights over the territory. He has been venerated as a saint since shortly after his death.

Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Castellciutat, place where the first cathedral would have been built

One of his successors was Bishop Ot, of the family of the Counts of Pallars, appointed bishop in 1095, in his last years he was also abbot of Santa Maria de Gerri (Pallars Sobirà) a monastery which he particularly favoured. He died and was buried there, Saint Odo (Ot) rebuilt the cathedral, the current 12th-century building; the reason for this last construction was the poor state of the building from the time of Ermengol. This work would have been practically completed by the end of the 12th century; in 1195 the city was attacked and the cathedral sacked.

The life of the canonry ran parallel to that of the bishopric until it was secularised in 1622. In the mid-19th century, the bishopric lost its feudal powers, except for those corresponding to Andorra, which it still exercises today. The cathedral underwent few modifications, an addition that covered the bell tower, baroque decoration in the interior... In the various restorations carried out since the beginning of the 20th century, the Romanesque building has been recovered. The cloister is also an important Romanesque work, perhaps dating from the end of the 12th century or the beginning of the 13th century. It preserves three of the four galleries; the eastern one was lost in an unfortunate modification.

Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Apses of the church of Sant Pere and the Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Main portal, to the west
Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Lion of the main door
Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Lion of the main door
Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
North Portal
Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
North Portal
Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
North Portal
Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Catedral Catedral Catedral Catedral Catedral
Interior of the cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Portal of the cloister
Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Portal of the cloister
Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Portal of the cloister
Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Cloister capital
Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Cloister capital
Claustre de la Seu d'Urgell
Cloister capitals...

Next to the cathedral, where the Church of Sant Domènec now stands, the Church of Sant Miquel stood during the time of Saint Ermengol, with its own canonry, which would later be united with the cathedral's. Within this group of buildings, it is also worth mentioning the Church of Sant Pere (now under the patronage of Sant Miquel), erected during the time of Bishop Ermengol on top of an earlier structure. That building still stands today, albeit restored.

Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Church of Sant Pere, now of Sant Miquel
Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Church of Sant Pere, now of Sant Miquel

Among the numerous pieces and furnishings from the cathedral that are still preserved, the Urgell Beatus (Commentary on the Apocalypse by Beatus of Liébana) stands out. This remarkable work has been dated to the last quarter of the 10th century and was already listed in the cathedral's inventory in 1147.

Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Beatus
Museu Diocesà d’Urgell
Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Beatus
Museu Diocesà d’Urgell
Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Engraving from Voyage pittoresque & militaire en Espagne
Jean-Charles Langlois, 1823-1830
Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC)
Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Photo by Francesc Duarte
Published in Geografia General de Catalunya. Lleida (1908-18)
Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Photo by Josep Salvany (1923)
Biblioteca de Catalunya
Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Old Postcard. Private Collection
Urgell Cathedral
Urgell Cathedral
Old Postcard. Private Collection

  • ADELL, Joan-Albert (2000). La catedral de la Seu d'Urgell. Manresa: Angle Editorial
  • BARAUT, Cebrià (2000). La intervenció carolíngia antifeliciana al bisbat d'Urgell i les seves conseqüències religioses i cultrals (segles VIII-IX). Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya, Societat Cultural Urgel·litana
  • BERTRAN I ROIGÉ, Prim i altres (2010). Sant Ermengol bisbe d'Urgell (1010-1035). La Seu d'Urgell: Bisbat d'Urgell
  • CARRERO SANTAMARIA, Eduardo (2010). La Seu d’Urgell, el último conjunto de iglesias. Liturgia, paisaje urbano y arquitectura. Anuario de Estudios Medievales
  • GAVÍN, Josep M. Inventari d'esglésies. Vol. 18. Alt Urgell, Andorra. Arxiu Gavín
  • MIRÓ I TUSET, Climent (2020). El xoc cultural del món carolingi amb el visigot: el cas d’Urgell. Anuari de la Societat Catalana de Filosofia XXX-XXXI
  • (1907). Monografía y restauración de la Catedral de la Seo de Urgel. Anuario de la Asociación de Arquitectos de Cataluña 1906-1907. València: F. Giró
  • RIU I RIU, Manuel (1992). Santa Maria de la Seu d'Urgell. Catalunya romànica. Vol. VI. L'Alt Urgell, Andorra. Barcelona, Enciclopèdia Catalana
  • ROCAFORT, Ceferí (1908-18). Geografia General de Catalunya. Vol. 4. Lleida. Barcelona: A. Martín
  • TRIVIÑO, M. Victoria (2019). La Catedral y “El Beato” de la Seu de Urgel. El Mundo de las Catedrales (España e Hispanoamérica)
  • VERGÉS, Oliver (2018). El obispo Ermengol y la (re)invención de la historia de Urgell. Estudios Medievales Hispánicos, 6

Vista aèria

The cathedral is in the center of the city of La Seu d'Urgell