Canonry of San Vicente de Roda
Priory of Roda / Cathedral of Roda de Isábena / Monasteri Rotensi
(Isábena, Huesca)
After some failed attempts to create the bishopric of Ribagorça, it was at the time of Ramon II (Count of Ribagorça between 954 and 961), that this territory became ecclesiastically independent from the diocese of Urgell and established an episcopal see in Roda, in 956. Thus, the county of Ribagorça managed to have a bishopric in line with its interests, in this sense, the first bishop of the diocese was Odisend, son of the count.
The new bishop organised the diocese, which was already well structured in the last quarter of the 10th century, after consecrating several churches in the area and participating in the life of the monasteries: Santa María de Alaón (Huesca), Santa María de Obarra (Huesca), Santa Maria de Lavaix (Alta Ribagorça)... As for the chapter of canons of the cathedral itself, it was already organised in 970 and at that time it followed the Aachen rule. In 1006, the cathedral of Roda was the victim of an Islamic raid that shook its existence, the bishop Aimeric was imprisoned and then had to struggle to recover all that had been lost during the Saracen occupation. Under the episcopate of Ramon Dalmau (1077-1094), the diocese and the canonry itself (1092) were thoroughly reformed, adopting the rule of Saint Augustine. The community was closely linked to the bishopric and, in fact, was responsible for the election of the prelate.
A prominent figure, and later an object of devotion, was Bishop Saint Raymond of Roda (1104-1126), who had previously been prior of Saint-Sernin de Toulouse. In 1149, after the conquest of Lleida by the counts Ramon Berenguer IV of Barcelona and Ermengol VI of Urgell, the episcopal see was transferred to that city. However, the community of canons remained in Roda, where it continued its activity, with greater or lesser intensity, until the disentailment.
The cathedral complex consists of the church, the cloister with some outbuildings and the priory palace. The first church was consecrated on this site in 957, a building that was sacked by the Muslims in 1006. It was restored later, during the first half of the 11th century, and over the course of almost two centuries, it underwent modifications and alterations. It is a basilica-shaped church with three naves. The main doorway, under an atrium, dates from the 13th century. Under the presbytery there is a large crypt where the sarcophagus of Saint Raymond of Roda is preserved. It has important remains of mural paintings.
To the north of the church is the cloister, a construction that could date from the 12th and 13th centuries, whose capitals are simple and are currently preserved with damage because they were affected when the galleries were closed. This space is characterised by the important collection of funerary inscriptions it contains. Roda Cathedral still conserves a valuable collection of objects and liturgical furnishings from different periods. This collection lost some of the most important pieces in a robbery in 1979, some were recovered, but others were lost, apparently definitively.
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