Monastery of San Pedro de Villanueva

Monasterio de San Pedro de Villanueva / S Petri de Villa Nova

(Cangas de Onís, Asturias)

San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva

The loss of the monastery’s archive complicates the understanding of its history. There is a tradition that mentions its foundation by Alfonso I of Asturias (?-757), but it is not until the 12th century that documented references to this place appear, the earliest being from 1137, when a monastic community was already established. Additionally, archaeological explorations have confirmed the existence of early medieval remains (8th-9th centuries).

San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva

The church of the monastery preserved, until the 19th century, a baptismal font dated to the year 1114, which is now kept at the National Archaeological Museum in Madrid. However, there is no certainty that it originated from San Pedro de Villanueva. During this period and in the following years, the monastery accumulated significant territorial holdings, which were maintained and expanded until the 15th century, when it entered a period of decline. After a time under the control of commendatory abbots, the monastery was incorporated into the Benedictine Congregation of Valladolid in 1534, despite opposition from its abbot. This new situation allowed the monastery’s economy to recover, facilitating improvement works on both the buildings and the furnishings.

Finally, the monastery’s monastic life was affected by the misfortunes of the 19th century: an occupation and expulsion during the Peninsular War, a temporary expulsion during the "Trienio Liberal" (1820-1823), and the final expulsion in 1835. Today, the monastery has been adapted into a hotel. The Romanesque church has been preserved, with later modifications, especially to the tower. The southern portal is particularly interesting due to the decoration of the capitals on one side, of notable craftsmanship and with unusual iconography, which has been linked to King Favila of Asturias, who died in 739 in an encounter with a bear.

San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva
Main portal
San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva
Main portal
San Pedro de Villanueva San Pedro de Villanueva San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva
Main portal
San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva
Main portal
San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva
Main portal
San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva
Main portal
San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva
Main portal
San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva
Main portal
San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva
Old postcard, private collection
San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva
Illustration from Recuerdos y bellezas de España (1855)
San Pedro de Villanueva
San Pedro de Villanueva
Illustration from Recuerdos y bellezas de España (1855)

  • GARCÍA ÁLVAREZ-BUSTO, Alejandro; ed. (2020). Asturias monástica. Catálogo de monasterios y revisión histórica arqueológica (siglos XI-XIX). Vol. 1. Anejos de Nailos n.º 7. Ovedo: KRK Ed.
  • GARCÍA GUINEA, Miguel Ángel; dir. (2006). Enciclopedia del Románico en Asturias. Aguilar de Campoo. Fundación Santa María la Real
  • MARTÍNEZ VEGA, Andrés (2011). Monasterios medievales de Asturias. Oviedo: Cajastur, 2011
  • QUADRADO, José María (1855). Recuerdos y bellezas de España. Asturias y León. Madrid: Repullés
  • RISCO, Fray Manuel (1789). España Sagrada, tomo 37. Madrid: B. Román
  • ZARAGOZA PASCUAL, Ernesto (2004). Abadologio del Monasterio de San Pedro de Villanueva (siglos XII-XIX). Boletín de Letras del Real Instituto de Estudios Asturianos, núm. 164

Vista aèria

The monastery is close to Cangas de Onís, on the banks of the Sella River. It is now a hotel establishment