Monastery of San Pedro de Rocas

S Petri de Rocas / Roccas

(Esgos, Ourense)

San Pedro de Rocas
San Pedro de Rocas

The Monastery of San Pedro de Rocas originated as an eremitic complex, preserving remnants of a series of interconnected settlements for anchorites. This hermit colony has roots in pre-Roman antiquity, employing both excavation techniques and the construction of small wooden structures or those made from other materials.

San Pedro de Rocas
San Pedro de Rocas (1988)

In one of the chapels forming the central nucleus of the complex, a tombstone dated 573 was discovered. This has traditionally been considered a foundational inscription, although both the attribution and the date itself have raised numerous doubts. Nevertheless, the antiquity of the site is undeniable, and it was likely abandoned during the occupation of the region by the Saracens. The first document referring to it is a privilege granted by Alfonso V of León in the year 1007.

Due to the loss of documentation caused by a fire, Alfonso V confirmed the monastery's possessions, mentioning a prior restoration carried out by Alfonso III, King of Asturias (866–910). The document also recounts a tradition in which a hunter named Xemondo (or Gemondus) discovered the cave housing the church and decided to withdraw there to lead a hermitic life. A community formed around him, which Alfonso III placed under the direction of the monastery of Celanova.

San Pedro de Rocas
San Pedro de Rocas
San Pedro de Rocas
San Pedro de Rocas

Beyond this legend, it was not until 1185 that Pope Lucius III mentioned the site as part of the possessions of the Church of Ourense. In 1199, its dependence as a priory on Celanova was confirmed, and by this time, it was already functioning as a Benedictine house. It became a prestigious monastic establishment, with indications that during the 13th century, efforts were made to gain independence from Celanova. Its activity continued until 1511, when it was suppressed as a priory and incorporated into the mother house as a parish. The site began to be valued and restored from the late 20th century onwards.

The core of San Pedro de Rocas consists of three chapels carved into the rock, with a similar structure, although the central one is larger. The lateral chapels likely served funerary purposes. The complex is protected by a 20th-century structure built using remains of the medieval monastery. Adjacent to it stands the building of the Casa Prioral, constructed in the 17th century on the site of the former monastery. The ground of the complex is filled with tombs, most of which are anthropomorphic. There are also highly deteriorated remains of a mural painting dated to the early 12th century.

San Pedro de Rocas
San Pedro de Rocas
San Pedro de Rocas
San Pedro de Rocas
San Pedro de Rocas
San Pedro de Rocas
Inscription considered foundational
Archaeological Museum of Ourense
Photo by José Antonio Gil Martínez, on Wikimedia
San Pedro de Rocas
San Pedro de Rocas
San Pedro de Rocas
San Pedro de Rocas
San Pedro de Rocas
San Pedro de Rocas
San Pedro de Rocas
San Pedro de Rocas
San Pedro de Rocas
San Pedro de Rocas
San Pedro de Rocas
San Pedro de Rocas

  • DURO PEÑA, Emilio (1972). El monasterio de San Pedro de Rocas y su colección documental. Ourense: I.E. Orensanos Padre Feijóo
  • FREIRE CAMANIEL, José (1998). El monacato gallego en la alta edad media, vol. II. La Corunya: Fund. Pedro Barrié de la Maza
  • GARCÍA IGLESIAS, José Manuel; dir. (2004). La Ribeira Sacra. Esencia de espiritualidad en Galicia. Xunta de Galicia
  • LÓPEZ QUIROGA, Jorge; i altres (2018). Ecclesia edificata inter alpes roccas nominata El complejo rupestre de san Pedro de Rocas (Esgos, Ourense). In tempore sueborum. Diputación Provincial de Orense
  • LÓPEZ QUIROGA, Jorge; i altres (2020). La 'laura' y 'coenobium' de San Pedro de Rocas. Un complejo rupestre de origen bizantino en el noroeste de la Península Ibérica. Anastasis, núm. VII/1
  • MALINGRE, Ana María (2016). La casa prioral del monasterio de San Pedro de Rocas. Porta da aira, núm. 14
  • PÉREZ GONZÁLEZ, José María; dir. (2015). Enciclopedia del románico en Galicia. Ourense. Aguilar de Campoo: Fundación Santa María la Real
  • PÉREZ RODRÍGUEZ, Francisco Javier (2008). Mosteiros de Galicia na Idade Media. Ourense: Deputación Provincial de Ourense
  • SÁ BRAVO, Hipólito de (1972). El monacato en Galicia. Vol. 2. La Corunya: Librigal

Vista aèria

San Pedro de Rocas is located in the municipality of Esgos, east of Ourense, next to an ancient road and in the heart of the Ribeira Sacra