Monastery of San Lourenzo de Carboeiro

Mosteiro de Carboeiro / Carbonario / Carbuero

(Silleda, Pontevedra)

San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro

The monastery of San Lourenzo de Carboeiro was founded during the first half of the 10th century by the counts of Deza, Gonzalo Betote and his wife Teresa Eriz, possibly on the site of a pre-existing hermitage. The exact date of its foundation is not entirely clear, but it was probably around the year 922.

San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro

In addition to its initial endowment, Carboeiro benefited from various donations that significantly increased its patrimony. Possibly due to an attack by the troops of Almanzor, King Bermudo II of León restored it in the year 999. In the 12th century, the monastic house was rebuilt, and during the following centuries, in a long period of prosperity, it was expanded with new constructions. By this time, it was already recorded as a Benedictine monastery. Additionally, in 1199, Pope Innocent III placed it under the jurisdiction of the Diocese of Santiago de Compostela.

In the 15th century, the monastery entered a period of decline. In 1499, Pope Alexander VI incorporated Carboeiro into the monastery of San Martiño Pinario (Santiago) as a priory, mainly responsible for managing the estates in that territory. In the 19th century, during the Peninsular War, the monastery was occupied and plundered by troops, and later suffered the effects of the confiscation of church property, leading to its definitive closure. In 1840, its assets were transferred to private ownership, except for the church, which remained under the bishopric’s care. By the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the site had fallen into ruin.

San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro

In 1931, it was declared a national monument, but due to the Spanish Civil War, it was once again abandoned. During the last quarter of the 20th century, restoration works were carried out on the monastic complex, which had previously been in a state of severe deterioration. The monastery was built on highly irregular terrain, a factor that influenced both its construction and the structure of the church itself.

The church features a remarkable apse, while the naves are relatively small in size. It is a three-nave building, with the central nave being the widest, and a large transept. In this crossing, the presbytery opens up, surrounded by an ambulatory, which connects with both the central nave and the side naves. The main apse contains three radial chapels, and the entire apse complex is built over a crypt that helps to level the uneven terrain. Additionally, the transept includes two small apsidioles. The remains of the various monastic buildings, now in ruins or heavily altered, are located on the northern side.

San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
Photo from Catálogo Monumental de España (c. 1908)
CSIC (Biblioteca Tomás Navarro Tomás)
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
Photo from Catálogo Monumental de España (c. 1908)
CSIC (Biblioteca Tomás Navarro Tomás)
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
Photo from Catálogo Monumental de España (c. 1908)
CSIC (Biblioteca Tomás Navarro Tomás)

Carboeiro elements at the Museu Frederic Marès de Barcelona
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
Christ of a tympanum
Museu Frederic Marès, Barcelona
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
San Lourenzo de Carboeiro
Museu Frederic Marès, Barcelona

  • ABAL, Alicia (2009). El monasterio de San Lorenzo de Carboeiro: intervenciones en el patrimonio y teorías de la restauración. Abrente, núm. 40-41
  • FREIRE CAMANIEL, José (1998). El monacato gallego en la alta edad media, vol. II. La Corunya: Fund. Pedro Barrié de la Maza
  • GARCÍA GUINEA, Miguel Ángel; dir. (2012). Enciclopedia del románico en Galicia. Pontevedra. Aguilar de Campoo: Fundación Santa María la Real
  • LUCAS ALVAREZ, Manuel (1957-58). La colección diplomática del monasterio de San Lorenzo de Carboeiro. Compostellanum, núm. 2/1-3/4
  • PÉREZ RODRÍGUEZ, Francisco Javier (2008). Mosteiros de Galicia na Idade Media. Ourense: Deputación Provincial de Ourense
  • SÁ BRAVO, Hipólito de (1972). El monacato en Galicia. Vol. 2. La Corunya: Librigal
  • SUÁREZ GONZÁLEZ, Ana (2011). Memoria de la fundación de San Lorenzo de Carboeiro (una crónica despistada). Rudesindus, núm. 7
  • YEPES, Antonio de (1615). Coronica general de la orden de San Benito. Vol. V. Valladolid

Vista aèria

Carboeiro belongs to the municipality of Silleda (Pontevedra) and is situated in an isolated, wooded area to the southeast of Santiago de Compostela