Saint-Blaise Hospital
Hôpital Saint-Blaise / Hôpital de Miséricorde / Saint-Blaise Commandery
(L'Hôpital-Saint-Blaise, Pyrénées-Atlantiques)
The church of Saint-Blaise is the only vestige of a former hospital establishment located in the territory of Béarn. It was a commandery of the order of Saint Christine, an institution originating from the hospital and priory of Santa Cristina de Somport (Huesca), which had spread over the two sides of the Pyrenees: Béarn to the north and Huesca to the south. The canons in charge of the hospital cared for pilgrims on their way to Santiago de Compostela.
Formerly known as the Hospital of Miséricorde, Saint-Blaise was located on a secondary branch of the Way of Saint James. This way, oriented from east to west, linked two main routes: the one coming from Toulouse, passing through Oloron and crossing the Pyrenees at Somport (Via Tolosana), and the one comprising the ways coming from Paris, Vézelay and Le-Puy, which were in this territory and crossed the Pyrenees at Roncesvalles. During the reign of Gaston IV (Viscount of Bearne, † 1130), and thanks to his intervention and that of Guy de Lons (Bishop of Lescar, † 1141), the canons of Saint-Christine settled in this area. They also actively participated in the founding and expansion of the order, creating other hospitals.
Although the construction of the church must be dated between the 12th and 13th centuries, the first documented mention of the Hospital de Miséricorde is to be found in a bull of Pope Innocent III, dated 1216. It was not until the 16th century that the house is mentioned under the patronage of Saint Blaise. After suffering the ravages of the Wars of Religion in the 16th century, in 1768 the Barnabites acquired the commandery and the parish church was erected. However, in 1791, the place was seized following the Revolution.
In the 19th century, the church aroused interest because of its heritage value, and since then protection, conservation and restoration work has been carried out. The building is a church with a single nave and transept, forming a practically Greek cross plan, although the arms are not symmetrical and the transept contains small apses. The octagonal dome with Islamic reminiscences stands out. The decoration of the portal is also worth mentioning, with a tympanum depicting Christ inside a mandorla and the Tetramorph, as well as a remarkable series of latticework in the windows, all of which is of popular workmanship.
- ALLÈGRE, Victor (1969). Pyrénées romanes. La-Pierre-qui-Vire: Zodiaque
- DURÁN GUDIOL, Antonio (1986). El hospital de Somport entre Aragón y Bearn. Saragossa: Guara Ed.
- GÓMEZ GÓMEZ, Agustín (2001). El arte románico en Iparralde. Perspectivas historiográficas. Ondare, núm. 20
- HARISTOY, Pierre (1883). Recherches historiques sur le pays Basque, vol. I. Baiona: Lasserre
- HUESCA, Ramon de (1802). Teatro historico de las Iglesias del Reyno de Aragon. Vol. 8. Pamplona: Longás
- KASSABJI, Dina (s/d). L’église de l’Hôpital Saint-Blaise. Navarrenx
- LAMBERT, M. É. (1941). L'hôpital-Saint-Blaise. Congrès archéologique de France. CII session. Bordeaux el Bayonne. París: Picard
- LASSÈGUES, Jean Claude (2019). Le réseau canonial de Sainte-Christine du Somport. Mécanismes de son développement sur le versant nord. Monastères et couvents de montagne