Abbey of Notre-Dame de Dalon

Abbaye de Dalon / Dalonium / Dalona

(Sainte-Trie, Dordogne)

Notre-Dame de Dalon
Notre-Dame de Dalon

The Abbey of Dalon is one of the many monastic houses founded by Gerald of Salles (c. 1050-1120). It was established in 1114 thanks to the intervention of the brothers Gérald and Gouffier de Lastours, who donated the land necessary for the new foundation. After the founder's death, the community of Dalon sought the support of the Cistercian abbey of Pontigny for instruction and to consolidate its monastic organization.

Notre-Dame de Dalon
Notre-Dame de Dalon

Before long, Dalon established other monasteries in the region: Bonlieu (Creuse, 1119), Boeuil (Haute-Vienne, 1123), Locdieu (Aveyron, 1123), Aubignac (Creuse, 1138), Prébenoît (Creuse, 1140), and Palais (Creuse, 1156), thus forming a congregation that followed Cistercian customs. In 1159, the congregation requested full integration into the Cistercian Order, which was granted in 1162, making it part of the Pontigny filiation. Monastic life continued until the mid-14th century, when the effects of the Hundred Years' War led to a sharp decline: from around eighty monks at the beginning of the century, only about ten remained.

In 1529, the first commendatory abbot was appointed, with the position granted to Hélie de Colonges. During the 17th century, much of the monastery was rebuilt due to its deteriorating condition, but by 1712, the church was still in ruins. Despite this, the Abbey of Dalon managed to survive until the French Revolution, when it was dissolved. Over time, the monastic complex continued to deteriorate, and today only the remains of the lateral apses of the medieval church (13th century) survive. Additionally, the chapter house has been preserved, now integrated into a residential building.

Notre-Dame de Dalon
Notre-Dame de Dalon
Notre-Dame de Dalon
Notre-Dame de Dalon
Notre-Dame de Dalon
Notre-Dame de Dalon

  • ANDRAULT-SCHMITT, Claude (1994). Des abbatiales du « Désert ». Les églises des successeurs de Géraud de Sales dans les diocèses de Poitiers, Limoges et Saintes (1160-1220). Bulletin de la Société des antiquaires de l'Ouest, vol. 8
  • AUBERT, R. (1960). Dictionnaire d'histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques. Vol. 14. París: Letouzey et Ané
  • BROUSSE, Julien (1934). Une poignée de pocuments sur l'abbaye de Dalon. Bulletin de la Société scientifique historique et archéologique de la Corrèze
  • COTTINEAU, Laurent-Henri (1936). Répertoire topo-bibliographique des abbayes et prieurés. Vol. 1. Mâcon: Protat
  • JANAUSCHEK, Leopoldus (1877). Originum Cisterciensium. Vol. 1. Viena
  • ROY DE PIERREFITTE, J.-B. Louis (1864). Abbaye de Dalon. Bulletin de la Société archéologique et historique du Limousin, núm. 14
  • SAINT-MAUR, Congregació de (1720). Gallia Christiana in provincias ecclesiasticas distributa. Vol. 2. París: Typographia Regia

Vista aèria

The remains of the Abbey of Dalon are located in the eastern part of the Dordogne department, east of Périgueux