Abbey of Saint-Sauveur de Sarlat
Abbaye de Sarlat / S. Sacerdos de Sarlat / Sarlat Cathedral / Sarlatum
(Sarlat-la-Canéda, Dordogne)
Despite late legends attributing the founding of the Abbey of Saint-Sauveur de Sarlat to the time of Clovis I (481-511) and its reconstruction to Charlemagne (768-814), its origins remain unclear. It is generally accepted that it was founded during the reign of Pepin I of Aquitaine (817-838) and restored in 886 by the Carolingian king Charles the Fat (882-887).
At the same time, there is a narrative regarding the life of Saint Sacerdos (7th-8th century), founder of the Abbey of Calabre (Calviac) and bishop of Limoges. Upon his death, he was buried in Calabre, and when this monastery was destroyed by the Normans, the monks of Sarlat transferred his remains to Saint-Sauveur, where he was venerated. At the beginning of the 12th century, the monastery changed its original dedication to that of Saint-Sacerdos. In this regard, it is possible that this tradition was a fabrication aimed at enhancing Sarlat’s prestige and asserting its independence against Cluny’s attempts to bring it under its authority.
The first reliable document mentioning the monastery dates from 1094, in a donation record. During the 12th century, it experienced a period of prosperity as an independent abbey, which explains the greater abundance of documentation from this time. It is recorded that Bernard of Clairvaux visited Sarlat in 1147 as part of his campaign against the heresy of Henry of Lausanne. In 1153, Pope Eugene III placed the abbey under the protection of Rome and confirmed its assets and privileges, a confirmation later ratified by Alexander III in 1170.
Furthermore, the abbey also received recognition and royal privileges from Philip II of France (1181), Louis VI (1137), and Richard the Lionheart of England, among others. A remarkable event in its history occurred in 1273 when Abbot Arnaud de Stapone was fatally wounded by an arrow during a religious ceremony, possibly shot by one or more monks. This crime was never officially solved. By the 13th century, the abbey maintained its prestige and independence and was at the heart of a thriving town.
In 1317, a papal bull from John XXII divided the Diocese of Périgueux into two parts, creating that of Sarlat. Its first bishop was Raymond de Roquecorn (1318-1324). The cathedral chapter was initially composed of the same Benedictine monks, a regular order that, over time, incorporated canons until it was secularized in 1561. As for the diocese, it was suppressed during the French Revolution and merged into that of Angoulême until the Diocese of Périgueux was restored.
One of the bishops' primary objectives was to adapt the monastery to the needs of the diocese, considering that the former Benedictine buildings were deteriorating with time. The construction of the new cathedral did not gain momentum until 1504, but the works suffered several interruptions, particularly during the Wars of Religion. In 1574, the cathedral was attacked, and in 1587, it suffered the effects of the siege of Sarlat. Work was still ongoing in the 18th century to complete its construction.
The vast majority of the surviving structures belong to the episcopal period, with very few remnants of the medieval monastery. Among these, the bell tower stands out, located above the atrium on the western façade of the church. It is essentially a Romanesque structure, heightened in the 17th century, and still retains elements of its original sculptural decoration. The cloister has almost entirely disappeared, with only the façade of the chapter house and some tombs remaining. Next to it, the medieval chapel of Saint-Benoît has been preserved. Also still standing is the Lanterne des Morts, a unique funerary structure with a circular floor plan, believed to date from the second half of the 12th century.
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