Abbey of Notre-Dame de Boschaud

Abbaye de Boschaud / Bociacum / Boscum Cavum / Bouchaud

(Villars, Dordogne)

Notre-Dame de Boschaud
Notre-Dame de Boschaud

The history of the Cistercian abbey of Notre-Dame de Boschaud presents some uncertainties and is marked by gaps due to the scarcity of historical documentation. It probably has an eremitic origin and could be one of the monastic foundations linked to Gerald of Salles (c. 1050–1120).

Notre-Dame de Boschaud
Notre-Dame de Boschaud

Some sources place Foulques, brother of Gerald, in this location, where he is believed to have died after 1145. In 1154, the hermitage was transformed into an abbey and, later on, like other monasteries promoted by the same founder, it gradually adapted to Cistercian customs. Moreover, since Boschaud maintained a close relationship with the abbey of Châtelliers (Deux-Sèvres), in 1163, when both communities joined the Cistercian order, the latter became Boschaud’s mother house.

It is known that, between the 13th and 14th centuries, the monks dispersed and that the abbey suffered from the adverse effects of the commendatory system. Later, it fell victim to the Wars of Religion, after which it never regained normality nor was it able to recover from the state of ruin in which it had fallen. By the time of the Revolution and its suppression, there was practically no community left.

Notre-Dame de Boschaud
Notre-Dame de Boschaud
Notre-Dame de Boschaud
Notre-Dame de Boschaud

Today, the site is in ruins. The most preserved part is the church’s apse, with a single nave and a transept featuring three semicircular apses. To the south, where the cloister was once located, the remains of the chapter house and refectory can still be seen, while the other buildings are in a very deteriorated state.

Affiliation of Boschaud

According to Originum Cisterciensium (L. Janauschek, 1877)

Notre-Dame de Boschaud
Notre-Dame de Boschaud
Notre-Dame de Boschaud
Notre-Dame de Boschaud
Notre-Dame de Boschaud
Notre-Dame de Boschaud
Notre-Dame de Boschaud
Notre-Dame de Boschaud
Illustration from L'architecture byzantine en France (1851)

  • ANDRAULT-SCHMITT, Claude (1999). L'abbaye de Boschaud. Congrès archéologique de France. 156e session. Périgord. Société française d'archéologie
  • BARRIÈRE, Bernadette; dir. (1998). Moines en Limousin. L'aventure cistercienne. Presses universitaires de Limoges
  • BERTHIER, Marcel (1987). Géraud de Salles, ses fondations monastiques. Leur évolution vers l’ordre cistercien à la fin du XII siècle. Bulletin de la Société Historique et Archéologique du Périgord. Tome CXIV
  • BESSE, J.-M. (1910). Abbayes et prieurés de l'ancienne France. Vol. 3: Provinces ecclésiastiques d'Auch et de Bordeaux. Abbaye de Ligugé
  • DUVAL, Louis (1872). Cartulaire de l'abbaye royale de Notre-Dame des Châtelliers. Niort: Clouzot
  • JANAUSCHEK, Leopoldus (1877). Originum Cisterciensium. Vol. 1. Viena
  • SAINT-MAUR, Congregació de (1720). Gallia Christiana in provincias ecclesiasticas distributa. Vol. 2. París: Typographia Regia
  • SECRET, Jean (1968). Périgord roman. La nuit des temps, núm. 27. Zodiaque
  • VERNEILH, Félix de (1851). L' architecture byzantine en France. París: Didron

Vista aèria

The site of Boschaud belongs to the municipality of Villars, located north of Périgueux