Abbey of La Sauve-Majeure

Abbaye de La Sauve-Majeure / Sylva Major / Sylvae Maioris

(La Sauve, Gironde)

La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure

The Benedictine abbey of La Sauve-Majeure was founded in 1079 by Gerald of Corbie (c. 1025–1095). Thanks to the support of William VIII of Aquitaine, he obtained a largely uninhabited area of land known as Sylva Major, where he was able to establish this monastic foundation.

La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure

According to accounts, Gerald settled in an old hermitage, then abandoned, which had previously been occupied by a monk from the Abbey of Saint-Pierre de Maillezais (Vendée). With the help of the Duke of Aquitaine, the abbey soon became a powerful center, exerting great influence both in the surrounding territory and in more distant regions, beyond the Pyrenees and even as far as England. Its development was furthered by the influx of numerous pilgrims on their way to Santiago de Compostela.

No remains survive from the church of that first period. It is known that, during the second half of the 12th century, work was underway to rebuild it, and the new church was consecrated in 1231. Later, the monastery was affected by the Hundred Years’ War, which made it necessary to fortify the complex. In the mid-15th century, the situation improved, allowing for restoration and consolidation works to begin. In the 16th century, the Wars of Religion did not directly affect the monastery. In 1660, the abbey was incorporated into the Congregation of Saint-Maur, giving it renewed impetus and enabling it to survive until the French Revolution.

La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure

In 1791, its assets were sold. From 1806 onwards, the church fell into ruin, and as a result of this deterioration, its demolition began, although there were still attempts to repurpose the site for other uses. Even in 1910, the site suffered a fire, and it was not until the mid-20th century that restoration efforts began, including the reconstruction of some parts of the church that had been lost. Today, the site has become an important cultural destination in the region.

The notable ruins of the abbey church, built between the 12th and 13th centuries, are still preserved. It is a building with three naves divided into five bays, a large transept, and a chevet with five apses: three aligned with the naves and two more opening onto the transept. A significant part of the octagonal bell tower is also preserved. To the south of the church was the cloister, now disappeared, along with the surrounding monastic buildings. Practically only part of a wall from the refectory, with three windows, and remains of the chapter house, as well as other minor vestiges, are still visible.

La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
Gerald of Corbie with Pope Leo IX
Illustration from Histoire de l'abbaye de Notre-Dame de la Grande-Sauve
Bibliothèque municipale de Bordeaux
Gerald of Corbie (c. 1025-1095)

Gerald was educated at the Abbey of Saint-Pierre de Corbie (Somme). After traveling to Rome and the Holy Land, he was appointed abbot of the monastery of Saint-Vincent de Laon and later of Saint-Médard de Soissons (both in Aisne), positions he had to leave due to disagreements with the respective communities. He came into contact with William VIII, Duke of Aquitaine, who offered him largely uninhabited lands, known as Sylva Major, where he could establish a new monastic foundation. In 1079, Gerald of Corbie settled there with other monks, giving rise to the foundation of this abbey.

La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
Foundation of La Sauve-Majeure
Illustration from Histoire de l'abbaye de Notre-Dame de la Grande-Sauve
Bibliothèque municipale de Bordeaux
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
Illustration from Album de La Grande-Sauve (1851)
Bibliothèque municipale de Bordeaux
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
Illustration from Album de La Grande-Sauve (1851)
Bibliothèque municipale de Bordeaux
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
Monasticon Gallicanum
Bibliothèque nationale de France
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
Illustration from Histoire de l'abbaye de Notre-Dame de la Grande-Sauve
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
Illustration from Biblia, cum S. Hieronymi prologis (c. 1070-1090)
From the scriptorium Mont Saint-Michel (Manche)
Bibliothèque municipale de Bordeaux
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
Illustration from Biblia, cum S. Hieronymi prologis (c. 1070-1090)
From the scriptorium Mont Saint-Michel (Manche)
Bibliothèque municipale de Bordeaux
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
Illustration from Biblia, cum S. Hieronymi prologis (c. 1070-1090)
From the scriptorium Mont Saint-Michel (Manche)
Bibliothèque municipale de Bordeaux
La Sauve-Majeure
La Sauve-Majeure
Illustration from a manuscript (c. 1175-1200)
Bibliothèque municipale de Bordeaux

  • ARAGUAS, Philippe (2001). L'abbaye de La Sauve-Majeure. París: Éd. du patrimoine
  • BEAUNIER, Dom (1910). Abbayes et prieurés de l'ancienne France. Vol. 3: Auch, Bordeaux. Abbaye de Ligugé
  • BRUTAILS, Jean-Auguste (1912). Les vieilles églises de la Gironde. Bordeus: Feret et Fils
  • CIROT DE LA VILLE, Abbé (1844-45). Histoire de l'abbaye et congrégation de Notre-Dame de la Grande-Sauve, Ordre de S. Benoit en Guienne, vol 1 i 2. París: Méquignon
  • COUZY, Hélène (1968). Les chapiteaux de La Sauve-Majeure. Bulletin Monumental, vol. 126-4
  • DROUYN, Léo (1851). Album de la Grande-Sauve. Bordeus: G.-M. Moulins
  • DUBOURG-NOVES, Pierre (1969). Guyenne romane. La Pierre-qui-Vire: Zodiaque
  • GARDELLES, Jacques (1978). Campagnes de construction de l’abbatiale de La Sauve-Majeure. Revue historique de Bordeaux et du département de la Gironde, vol. 27
  • GARDELLES, Jacques (1990). L'abbaye de La Sauve-Majeure. Congrès archéologique de France. 145e sess.
  • GUÉRIN, Paul (1888). Les Petits Bollandistes. Vies des saints. Vol. 4. París: Bloud et Barral
  • GUIET, Hervé (2007). Trésors oubliés de l'abbaye de La Sauve-Majeure. Saint-Quentin: Entre-deux-Mers
  • MASSON, André (1941). La Sauve-Majeure. Congrès rchéologique de France. CII session. Bordeaux el Bayonne. París: Picard
  • PEIGNÉ-DELACOURT, Achille (1877). Monasticon Gallicanum. Paris: G. Chamerot
  • SAINT-MAUR, Congregació de (1720). Gallia Christiana in provincias ecclesiasticas distributa. Vol. 2. París: Typographia Regia

Vista aèria

The monastery of La Sauve-Majeure is located east of Bordeaux, in the Entre-deux-Mers region, in an area far from major communication routes