Hermitage of Sant Pere de Gaià

Community of Sant Pere del Gaià / Beati Petri de Gayano / Sanctum Petrum de Gaia

(Aiguamúrcia, Alt Camp)

Sant Pere de Gaià
Sant Pere de Gaià

On the right bank of the Gaià River, upstream from the monastery of Santes Creus, lie the ruins of an ancient church known for its eremitic past, which predates the arrival of the Cistercians at Santes Creus.

Sant Pere de Gaià
Sant Pere de Gaià

The earliest reference to this church, Sant Pere de Gaià, appears in a donation granted in the year 980 by Count Borrell II of Barcelona. Later, in 1154, it is mentioned again in a papal bull by Pope Anastasius IV, which confirmed the assets of the church of Tarragona. This document references both Sant Pere de Gaià and another church dedicated to Santes Creus del Gaià. At least the first of these churches functioned as an eremitic center inhabited by anchorites, and it developed before the arrival of the Cistercians at Santes Creus in 1160. Around 1170, these anchorites integrated into the Cistercian abbey, which then became the owner of Sant Pere and its assets. Today, the ruins of the church are still preserved.

Sant Pere de Gaià
Sant Pere de Gaià
Sant Pere de Gaià
Pope Anastasius IV
Illustration from Liber Chronicarum Liber Chronicarum (1493)
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek

  • FORT I COGUL, Eufemià (1965). L’eremitisme a la Catalunya Nova. Studia Monastica. Vol. 7-1. Abadia de Montserrat
  • FORT I COGUL, Eufemià (1995). El eremitismo en la archidiócesis Tarraconense. España eremítica. Leyre
  • FUENTES I GASÓ, Manuel-Maria (1995). Sant Pere de Gaià. Catalunya romànica. Vol. XXI. Barcelona: Enciclopedia Catalana
  • GAVÍN, Josep M. (1980). Inventari d'esglésies. Vol. 6. Barcelona: Artestudi

Vista aèria

The remains of the church are located on the right bank of the Gaià River, north of the monastery of Santes Creus, near the road to Pont d’Armentera